Mastering the Job Application Process: Tips for Landing that Interview

10 tips that go beyond your resume to help you land an interview

In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd is crucial when applying for a new position. Your goal is to not only capture the attention of hiring managers but also to secure that all-important job interview. Here are some tried-and-true tips to increase your chances of getting a callback: 

1. Tailor Your Resume to the Role

One of the most fundamental steps in the job application process is tailoring your resume for each position you apply to. Don't adopt a one-size-fits-all approach; instead, customise your resume to highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific job. You can also directly address specific requirements of the job, such as sharing about your experience in leading multinational teams if the role is a regional one. 

2. Craft a Compelling Cover Letter 

A cover letter can be the difference between getting an interview and being overlooked among all the other submitted resumes

A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other applicants. Use this opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm for the position and the company. Explain how your unique skills and experiences make you an ideal fit for the role. Like you resume, it works best if you mention specifically how your skills and experiences are a direct match for the role you are applying to. You don’t have a lot of room in a cover letter, so make each word count.  

3. Research the Company 

Before hitting the "submit" button on your application, take the time to research the company. Understand its values, culture, and mission. Incorporate this knowledge into your application to demonstrate your genuine interest and commitment. To do that, visiting their website is a must, while tapping on secondary sources such as their social media pages and online reviews will also provide a deeper understanding of who they are.  

Check if any friends, or even past acquaintances work in the company you are applying to. They can share first-hand information on working culture, organisational structure and the company's values. Reaching out to people also brings us to the next point: networking.

4. Network 

Building professional connections can significantly enhance your job search. Connect with current or former employees on platforms like LinkedIn, and consider attending industry events or company-sponsored gatherings.

Even if networking doesn’t open doors directly to a new job, you can gain deeper insight into the industry that you are applying to, or get to know future partners that you can collaborate with in a professional capacity.  

5. Update Your Social Media: 

In the digital age, your online presence matters. Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and aligned with your resume. Make sure you are also adding achievements and important numbers from your role. This could be modified and lifted from your existing resume, making it easier to keep all the information aligned.  

Before submitting your job application, ensure your social media profiles are all up to date

Additionally, clean up your social media profiles, removing any content that may present you in an unprofessional light. While it may be tempting to switch your profile to be completely private, it would be better to keep some posts and info public, to provide assurance that your account isn’t a fake account.  

7. Quantify Your Achievements: 

Employers are often interested in measurable results. Use numbers and specific examples to quantify your achievements on your resume. This provides concrete evidence of your impact in previous roles. If those results are public knowledge (e.g. online on a website), include links in your resume or send over screenshots in a separate portfolio.  

8. Showcase Soft Skills: 

Beyond technical expertise, employers value soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability. Highlight these skills on your resume and provide examples of how they have contributed to your success in previous positions. Talk about the size of your team and your role in nurturing those under your charge. State if any in your team worked remotely, as employers may want to see how you manage people who are not in the office.   

9. Create an Online Portfolio: 

For certain roles, having an online portfolio can be a game-changer. Showcase your work, projects, or relevant accomplishments in a visually appealing format. The portfolio also allows you significantly more space and latitude to quantify your achievements, as highlighted in an earlier point. Do not add the full portfolio to the resume, instead include the link in your resume to provide employers with a more comprehensive view of your capabilities. 

10. Professional Email Address: 

While not a deal breaker, it will certainly pique the employer’s interest if you have a professional-looking email address. Between and, the latter looks more presentable, not to mention less suspicious. If you happen to have your own domain that houses your online portfolio, get an email address for that domain. It also elevates your personal branding and can increase your chances for a call back.  


By incorporating these tips into your job application strategy, you can increase the likelihood of getting noticed by prospective employers. Remember, each application is an opportunity to showcase your skills and demonstrate how you can contribute to the success of the company. Good luck in your job search! 

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